The Young Economist is an online newspaper, created to allow young economists all around the world to make their voices heard on topical issues, politics and economics. The world is in constant motion, humanity will have to adapt to important and rapid changes in the coming years. We at The Young Economist aim to tell some of these events in a clear and transparent way, through the voices of the students who will shape the world of tomorrow, bearing the weight of the terrible mistakes and burdens of the past. The principles of the newspaper are based on the return to the credibility of politics, on the transparency of institutions and on the free market, giving space to the youth theme as a central, and not marginal, weapon towards change. The Young Economist, on the side of the future.
The Young Economist, where the future begins.
Discover here the composition of the team behind The Young Economist magazine
Founder and Director
Founder & Director of The Young Economist | CEO & Co-founder Startex | Ex CMO StudentLINK | Startupper | Entrepreneur | Sole24Ore | Advisor | Marketer | Speaker | Writer |
Discover here the composition of the writers team behind The Young Economist online world